By: Ricky Anderson, owner of Holy Land Treasures USA (4/05/2010)
We have incorporated the peace sign (or, peace symbol) into some of our lovely Christian gifts from the Holy Land. We feel that our peace sign gifts are some of the most unique Christian gift products in the world today and are especially popular with our youth. Some people may be offended by the use of the secular peace symbol on religious products but I promise you that our intent is not to merge the secular with the sacred. Our intent in our peace symbol Christian gifts is to let the world know that if you truly want peace in your life, your family, your nation or anywhere, you have to know the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ.
When Noah released the dove from the ark he returned with a freshly plucked olive leaf. This is the origin of the symbol of peace, a biblical origin and not a secular one. In the time since the secular peace sign was devolped as the symbol for protests against nuclear weapons in 1958 it has evolved into the internationaly recognized symbol of peace. We want to remind the world that true inward and outward peace does not come from any human agency, but from God Himself.
It is funny how fashion fads come and go and then return decades later. This is the case with the peace sign. As a child of the 60's (born in 1959) I grew up when tie died T shirts , wall posters and pretty much everything you can imagine were decorated with the peace sign. Now my teenagers act like they invented it themselves as the peace sign is again popular with todays youth. What I yearn for in my heart is that todays youth can get a hold on the real truth, that Jesus is the only one that can bring them the happiness and contentment in life that they all yearn for. Pray with me that the Lord will use our peace sign gifts or whatever He chooses to win the hearts of youth today.
See our Peace Sign Gifts