Our Easter Gifts commerate the greatest events of all time. Our wooden Easter Statues and our mother of pearl , olive wood , and silver Easter jewelry are the artistic expressions of the finest Christian Holy Land artisans, with our Masterpiece wooden foot washing statues, wood carved last supper, Easter statues of Jesus, wooden statues of the Blessed Mother, carved wood pieta statue, wooden crucifixes and crosses, and very unique replice of The Empty Tomb, our Easter statues artistally capture the events from the Last Supper of the resurection of our Lord. Below we will try to list the Biblical account of Thursday and Good Friday and our corresponding Easter Statues.
On Thursday evening Jesus had the Passover meal with the disciples. During that meal our Lord instituted the Lord's Supper. Our hand carved wooden displays of the Last Supper reverently capture this solemn event. All of our olive wood Last Supper displays are of the highest quality. Our small and medium wooden Last Supper displays feature a u shaped olivewood table. Our large wood carved Last Supper features an intricately hand carevd rectangular wooden table. Our Extra Large olive wood last supper display is the most biblically accurate. The hand careved wooden statues of Jesus and the disciples are featured reclining around an oval olivewood table. This wooden Last Supper display is undoubtebly the most magnificent olive wood Last Supper display on the web. Our hand carved olivewood Last Supper Chalice ( or Last Supper wine goblet ) features Jesus and the disciples masterfully carved into the olivewood cup with a brass plated inner cup inside the goblet. We also offer olivewood communion cups in large and small sizes that make wonderful keepsakes from the Holy Land for a chuch congegation. We think you will find our unique Last Supper displays and wooden Last Supper Chalice and wooden comunion cups to be of the utmost elegance. Please feel free to contact us about any special need you have for your Easter gifts.
Jesus Washing the Disciples Feet - On Thursday evening after the Last Supper, the Lord Jesus girded himself with a towel and washed the disciples' feet. This humble display of servanthood is reverently captured in our hand carved wooden foot washing displays. Our smallest wooden footwashing display features the wooden statue of Jesus and the wooden statue of the disciple on a delightful two color olive wood base.Our large wooden foot washing sculpture features bold scalloping aroud a heavy olive wood base. Our largest footwashing sculpture is a carved wood masterpiece. With a large wooden statue of Jesus and the large wooden statue of the disciples, this fine religious art display is breathtaking. The footwashing basin, picture, towel, and stone well are each intricately carved and are situated on a large wooden base made of small blocks of olive wood. All of our olivewood footwashing sculptures are of the utmost elegance.
After Jesus and the disciples left the Upper Room, they walked across the Kindron Valley to the Garden of Gethsemane (pictured on our gift card) at the base of the Mount of Olives. It was there that the Lord prayed three times that the cup (judgement for our sins on the cross) might be removed from Him, not His will but the Father's will be done. He prayed with such intensity that His sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground. Our statue of Jesus at Gethsemane reverently captures this moment. Our Lord was arrested and tried before the Sanhedrin.
Good Friday- After the Sanhedrin trial on Thursday evening, our Lord was led to appear before the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate. The events of this day affected world history and changed the lives of millions upon millions like no other event or any other day. After being condemmed by a hostile crowd, and a reluctant Roman Governor(I do not understand how One so good, so loving, so innocent as the Lord Jesus could be condemmed by anyone),the Lord Jesus was delivered to be crucified. This began with a horrible scourging with the Lord Jesus being unmercifully beaten by His Roman executioners. They placed a crown of thorns on His head and mocked Him. Our wooden statues of Jesus with the crown of thorns is a reminder of the stripes and humility He endured for you and me. Each wooden statue of Jesus with the crown of thorns is maticulously hand crafted to capture this moment.
A wooden cross was laid upon our Savior to bear as Jesus was led to Golgotha to be crucified. Our wooden statue of Jesus carrying the cross that comes in two sizes reverently commerorate this moment. Our Lord was so severely injured by the scourging that He broke down under the weight of the cross. A black man, Simon of Cyrene, was commissioned to bear the wooden cross of the Savior. At Golgotha, Jesus was hideously nailed to the cross. Holy Land Treasures offers a number of olive wood crucufixes that depict the crucifixion of our Lord. Some are offended at the sight of an image depicting Jesus on the cross. Friends, if there is anything we need to be reminded of continualluy, it is the fact that our Savior had to endure this horrible act and that nothing short of the cross could pay for your sins and mine. However, we do live in a time that evil has prevailed and wooden crosses and crucifixes are displayed irreverently by many. We would ask that no one purchase any crosses or crucufixes to be worn or displayed in any manner except with the utmost reverence. It is our aim at Holy Land Treasures to glorify the Lord Jesus and we do not wish to profit from anyone who would do otherwise. Each olivewood crucifix we sell is of the highest quality, from Mother of Pearl edged olivewood crucifixes, standing cricifixes, crucifixes with soil, olive leaves, and incense from the Holy Land to our Mother of Pearl cross jewelry and Mother of Pearl cross necklaces.